Our Latest Insights

Thoughts from our team on current events, new techniques and tools, trends we're seeing, and our culture.

14 results shown.
  • Why Choose React Native?

    May 24, 2021
    React Native unifies development teams by leveraging the same set of technologies on multiple platforms. Here are some of the key reasons why you might want to consider React Native for your next development project.
    Carlos Kelly
    Kadi Kraman
  • Animations in React Native: Performance and Reason-about-ability with Reanimated 2

    April 29, 2021
    In this article, I'm going to discuss one of the aforementioned challenges of mobile app development with RN—building smooth animations and gestures—and a tool in the RN ecosystem, React Native Reanimated, that helps us take on this challenge without fear.
  • The Case for Consistent Documentation

    April 21, 2021
    Words can't begin to express the anxiety I felt leaving my first job last spring. As I put in my notice, a question kept nagging me: how could I wrap up two years in two weeks?
    Erika Smith
  • Why Have Design Technologists?

    April 8, 2021
    A Design Technologist can move between the design and engineering worlds seamlessly. They can change their shape and blend in depending on the environment, and therein lies their power: they are powerful advocates for holistic thinking.
    Paula Lavalle
  • Chats About urql: With Max Stoiber

    March 23, 2021
    A chat with Max Stoiber, a JavaScript engineer from Vienna in Austria, who's a well known constant in the React community, co-creator of styled-components, serial co-founder of Spectrum, Changefeed, and Feedback Fish, and specialty coffee geek.
    Phil Plückthun
  • Building 3-D Web Experiences With react-three-fiber

    March 18, 2021
    What if you could build 3-D scenes with React? You can! react-three-fiber is a library that lets you do exactly that.
    Brian Mathews
  • How to Remain A Successful Product Designer In Our Current Digital Hellscape

    March 16, 2021
    As digital product designers, digital detaching is a tough feat to accomplish. To be successful, we need a deep understanding and plenty of practice using devices.
    Mark Prescott
  • The State of Reason in 2021

    February 25, 2021
    The question, "Is Reason ready?" still looms large in every conversation I have about the language. In this piece, I hope to answer that question by exploring Reason's evolution over the last half-decade—how it's evolved, how it's competing with TypeScript, how it's changing JavaScript for the better, and why it may (and may not) be worth investing in now.
    Parker Ziegler
  • Stores: Making State Global Without React's Context API

    February 23, 2021
    In this article we're going to explore some drawbacks of context-based state in typical application architecture, then explore an alternative construct, Stores, which should ultimately help us write cleaner code and increase our in-app performance.
    Max Yinger
  • A Deep Dive into Debugging Cypress, iframes, & Runtime Code Modification

    February 18, 2021
    As software engineers, a large portion of our time is spent researching, reproducing, and fixing bugs. Being able to effectively discover, track down, and resolve bugs is one of the most important skills in our toolboxes.
    Dillon Mulroy
  • Getting To Know Kadi Kraman

    February 12, 2021
    I feel so very fortunate that I found a dream career. I love working in tech, I love building things that people get to use, I love solving problems, and I love that I get to continuously learn new things.
    Kadi Kraman
  • Introducing Spectacle's Enhanced Architecture

    February 10, 2021
    Introducing Spectacle's all new architecture, which includes several under-the-hood improvements that improve the overall experience with a couple API changes based on community feedback.
    Carlos Kelly
    Matt Hink
  • Building Future UIs

    January 28, 2021
    What is it about futuristic sci-fi UIs that feel so futuristic and appealing? Can we build some of these with the web technologies we have today?
    Brian Mathews
  • Welcome Catleah!

    January 26, 2021
    Formidable's strategic design team is growing quickly. Time to meet one of the newer members, Catleah Cunanan!